Nanobacteria were initially discovered by various researchers in the 1980s and were classified as Ultramicrobacteria. After that, Drs. Olavi Kajander and Neva Ciftcioglu at the University of Kuopio in Finland observed that mammalian cells’ cultures would die when contaminated with Nanobacteria. Subsequently, Kajander and Ciftcioglu classified these microorganisms as Nanobacterium Sanguineum in 1998. Later, in 2003 the University of Vienna Medical Center announced that Nanobacteria were found in tissue samples from ovarian cancer patients. Numerous studies have subsequently been conducted that associate Nanobacteria infection with many calcified-related medical conditions.
Notably, the protective calcium shell formed by Nanobacteria leads to calcified deposits in human tissue. In many instances, these calcified deposits are the direct cause of several medical conditions. Calcium is the most common mineral found in the human body and accounts for 1.5% of the body mass. It is not the presence of calcium in the human body that is the underlying cause of diverse calcification-related medical conditions. Instead, it is the abnormal accretion of calcium in cells and tissues initiated by Nanobacteria infection responsible for many calcification-related medical conditions.
Furthermore, it is believed that Nanobacteria are one of the opportunistic infections associated with HIV / AIDS. Specifically, the disproportionate presence of the anti-nanobacteria antibody in people infected with HIV indicates that Nanobacteria are indeed alive and one of the microorganisms that flourish in an immune-compromised environment.
Nanobacteria Are Extremely Small Microorganisms That Are Associated with Diverse Calcification-related Medical Conditions. The Scalar Light Pathogen Cleanse to Disassemble Nanobacteria Thereby Disintegrating the Associated Calcified Deposit. A Nanobacteria infection is common in people worldwide, and the emerging scientific evidence illustrates the role of this microorganism in disease. The following medical conditions are believed in some cases to be initiated by Nanobacteria infection that produces calcified deposits:

Medical Conditions Associated with Nanobacteria Infections

  1. Atherosclerotic Plaque
  2. Kidney Stones
  3. Gall stones
  4. Cataracts
  5. Scleroderma
  6. Brain aneurysms ( calcification in the brain leading to strokes )
  7. Ovarian cysts leading to cancer
  8. Many types of arthritis ( calcified deposits in joints and tendons )
  9. Breast calcification leading to breast cancer
  10. Some forms of psoriasis
  11. Prostate calcification leading to prostate cancer
  12. Periodontal disease ( calcification of dental plaque )
  13. Fibromyalgia
  14. Fibrous scar tissue
  15. Alzheimer’s disease
The scalar light pathogenic cleanse serves to disassemble Nanobacteria by releasing or negating the molecular bonds of that infectious agent. Subsequently, the calcium shell that enveloped the Nanobacteria will likewise dismantle or fragment and eventually be eliminated from the body. The ability for the scalar light pathogenic cleanses to disassemble Nanobacteria and subsequently fragment calcified deposits will result in the palliation or prevention of many calcified-related medical conditions.
For example, the presence of Nanobacteria infection in arteries may serve to aggregate cholesterol at the site of the plaque-building, thereby resulting in the occlusion of the artery. In practice, the scalar light pathogenic cleanse disassembles Nanobacteria and the associated calcium deposits responsible for arterial plaque or hardening of the arteries. As a result, many people have reported that this subscription has reduced high blood pressure and angina, stabilized heart arrhythmia, improved circulation, and reverse hypertrophy of the heart. There are significant and long-lasting benefits to be realized by disassembling Nanobacteria and its associated calcium deposits from the arteries.
Another example is the ability of the scalar light pathogenic cleanse to disassemble Nanobacteria and calcium deposits that are responsible for kidney stones. Clinical studies have proven that Nanobacteria infection is associated with many kidney stones and kidney cysts. The scalar light pathogenic cleanse disassembles Nanobacteria that are responsible for creating the calcified deposits of kidney stones. Hence, the scalar light pathogenic cleanse serves to dismantle or fragment kidney stones and kidney cysts, thereby fundamentally addressing such conditions as renal fatigue, blockage, and failure. Furthermore, once considered a genetic disorder, polycystic kidney disease is now considered by many to be triggered by Nanobacteria infection and other bacterial agents.
The emerging evidence illustrates that both the human genetic mutation and the accompanying Nanobacteria infection and other bacterial infections play a dual role in polycystic kidney disease. The scalar light pathogenic cleanse has proven to be an effective means to disassemble many kidney stones and kidney cysts produced by Nanobacteria infection.
Much research needs to be conducted on the extent of Nanobacteria infection and its etiological role in many diverse calcified-related medical conditions. Nonetheless, the existing evidence is clear as Nanobacteria is closely associated with human disease. The scalar light pathogenic cleanse is the answer to Nanobacteria infection and many calcified-related medical conditions related to this infectious agent.
Tom Paladino

Tom Paladino


Tom Paladino is a researcher and humanitarian seeking to make a difference in the world by providing people with the education and tools to restore optimal health, and by helping enhance their quality of life. Read More


All Scalar Light programs exclusively transmit scalar light upon the photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. Only the photographs of people, animals, plants and objects receive the scalar light transmission of energy. Scalar Light has NEVER been administered on an in-person basis. Furthermore, scalar light is an unrecognized energy dimension that has not been accepted by conventional science.

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