Theodory Katabaro a District Community Development Officer for Kilosa district handing over goats to the women of Msowero village, Kilosa district Morogoro region on Nov 16th.
Originally published: Phoenix Voyage
Thanks to another generous donation from Tom Paladino, a wonderful goat distribution event for Msowero village happened in late November. The goats were distributed to widows and orphans with 8 goats given to women and 2 goats given to orphaned school children. The Msowero village is in the Morogoro region in southeast Tanzania.
Agnes Jackson is a widow with 5 school children. She received a goat and a baby goat.

Fatuma Abdallah and Anna Julius of Msowero village, Kilosa district in Morogoro region, received goats donated by Tom Paladino on Nov 17th, 2021

From left to right is Pantaleo Shoki, Patrick Ignas and Diana Asimwe the young boys are orphans living with their care takers.

Goats at the Dumila goats market