The Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse addresses the symptoms of Neurological Conditions



Scalar light is the initial, divine energy of the Sun of our solar system as well as the stars in the universe. The Sun and the stars serve as the “storehouses” of scalar light as this divine energy is perpetual and serves to provide perpetual light for the universe. In some environments, scalar light will convert into electricity and magnetism. Hence, electromagnetic energy is a converted, inferior form of scalar energy. All scalar light sessions administer the initial, divine energy, scalar light, upon photographs of people, animals, plants, and objects. Photographs contain scalar light force fields that are influenced by scalar light instruments. This discovery serves to prove that a person can bi-locate by way of their photograph within the scalar light dimension. Bi-location is not possible within the electromagnetic dimension.

The Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse serves to detect the scalar light force fields of pathogens that are embodied upon photographs of people, animals, plants, and objects. In so doing, the force fields of pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, and protozoan can be negated or brought to a state of chaos by way of a scalar light instrument. As a result, pathogens are disassembled and eradicated by way of the Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse. Succinctly, the exact number of pathogenic agents that a person is infected with is correspondingly detected as scalar light force fields upon the photograph of that individual by way of a scalar light instrument.

Pathogens are either the direct cause or have a role in many neurological conditions. For instance, the spirochete, Borrelia burgdorferi is the causative agent for Lyme disease and has been implicated in having a role in other neurological conditions such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and dementia. These medical conditions frequently lead to neurological dysfunction and impairment. The Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse can detect and negate the scalar light force field of Borrelia burgdorferi embodied upon a photograph of a person. In so doing, the scalar light force field of Borrelia burgdorferi is negated and brought to a state of chaos. Thus, the Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse is able to disassemble and eradicate Borrelia burgdorferi, the causative agent of Lyme disease. Borrelia burgdorferi has also been associated with other neurological conditions. Subsequently, many people experience a complete relief from the symptoms of Lyme disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and dementia. While others express that the Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse has at least palliated or weakened the symptoms associated with these neurological conditions.

It is an established fact that many viruses, bacteria, fungi, and protozoan attack the myelin sheath that covers and protects the axon or nerve fiber. As a result, the demyelination of the myelin sheath will lead to neurological disease. Many people that are diagnosed with Lyme disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and dementia have experienced the degradation of their myelin sheath as a result of pathogenic infection. The ability of scalar light to disassemble and eradicate the pathogens that destroy the myelin sheath has served to stop the progression of demyelination of the myelin sheath, which is a protective layer of fat and proteins of neurons. Subsequently, the symptoms of Lyme disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and dementia are reduced in number and severity. Many testimonies submitted to attest to this cause-and-effect relationship.

Another factor that contributes to neurological conditions is the fact that viruses, bacteria, fungi, and protozoans are able to pass the blood-brain barrier, thereby causing morbidity and mortality in some instances. Typically, many infections of the central nervous system are caused by enteroviruses and various species of bacteria and fungi that have passed the blood-brain barrier resulting in encephalitis, transverse myelitis, meningitis and melioidosis in some cases. The Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse is able to identify the pathogens associated with these neurological conditions and negate their scalar light force fields. As a result, these infectious agents are brought to a state of chaos and cease to exist. Thereafter, the symptoms of encephalitis, transverse myelitis, meningitis, and melioidosis are reduced in number and severity. In some cases, people report a complete absence of symptomology associated with these neurological conditions. Scalar light is an emerging science, and testimonies are essential as the body of evidence to support the efficacy of the Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse. In short, these testimonies prove the benefits of the scalar light sessions influencing the scalar light force fields of photographs of people and animals.

In summation, God is the Creator of scalar light; correspondingly, all scalar light sessions administer divine light upon force fields embodied upon photographs of people, animals, plants, and objects. In practice, custom-built scalar light instruments administer scalar light to these force fields embodied upon photographs. The photograph of a person serves as the bi-located version of that individual. Effectively, the exact number of pathogenic agents that a person is infected with is subsequently detected as force fields upon the photograph of that individual by way of a scalar light instrument. Conclusively, the Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse is able to disassemble and eradicate pathogens associated with neurological conditions. Many people have submitted testimonies reflective of their absence or reduction of the symptomology of neurological conditions.

Scalar light is a new and emerging science whereby a photograph of a person serves as their bi-located scalar light version. Therefore, a person’s spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical constitution is identically reported upon their photograph in a real-time fashion. Humanity will benefit from this new branch of physics as scalar light will solve many problems and improve the lifestyle of everyone. Scalar light will liberate humanity. May God grant you excellent health.


Thomas J. Paladino

Support Desk: (805) 364-3051