January, 2022

The Dr. Haley Show – The Power Of Scalar Energy


Originally published – Dr. Haley Show

Tom began research with Scalar Energy during his undergraduate years after developing a deep admiration for the father of Scalar Energy research or knowledge, Nikola Tesla. He was also able to study the work of a man named Hieronymus who continued research on Scalar Energy. Hieronymus’ major contributions included unbinding the RNA / DNA bonds of microbes plaguing the agricultural industry rendering them harmless.


“The initial energy of the stars is scalar energy. If you go to the very center of any star its 100% scalar energy. And there from scalar energy will degrade into electromagnetic energy. But what powers the stars is scalar energy. It’s not a thermonuclear reaction. Scalar energy is the powerhouse of all stars.”

You’ll learn what Scalar Energy is, and how you’re probably already using it (but don’t realize it.)

You’ll discover Scalar Energy’s many other names found in other cultures, such as qi, prana, zero-point energy, etc.

You’ll also learn the distinct differences between Scalar Energy and electricity.

Join Dr. Haley and Tom for this fascinating and challenging discussion.


What You Will Learn In This Show:

    • What Scalar Energy is, and how you’re probably already using it (but don’t realize it.)
    • Scalar Energy’s many other names, found in other cultures, such as qi, prana, zero-point energy, etc.
    • The distinct differences between Scalar Energy and electricity.
    • And so much more

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