Scalar light is a divine energy that serves as the carrier wave for the infinite number of instructions of the universe.  Thus, scalar light is the carrier wave for the divine intelligence of the universe thereby instructing all spiritual, cognitive, emotional, and physical actions.

Scalar light is the consciousness of the universe

Scalar light is the consciousness of the universe
A scalar energy instrument can harness and instruct the consciousness of the universe to abet human health.  I have developed a scalar energy instrument that can carry the molecular instructions of fruits, grains, herbs, nuts, seeds, and vegetables thereby subsequently assembling the identical molecular structure of these natural foods inside the human body.  In effect, the Scalar Light Natural Foods Therapy assembles the molecular structure of natural plant chemicals inside each cell of the human body.
All scalar light sessions are administered exclusively upon photographs of people, animals, plants, and objects.  Thus, the Scalar Light Natural Foods Therapy influences the scalar energy force field embodied upon photographs of people, animals, plants, and objects.  
In practice, magnified photographs of fruits, grains, herbs, nuts, seeds, and vegetables are utilized to instruct the scalar energy instrument to assemble the identical molecular structure of the natural plant chemicals embodied in that photograph.  Subsequently, a magnified photograph of a natural food serves as the informational input for the human body to assemble those identical, natural plant chemicals inside each cell of the human body. 
The human body is composed of elements such as hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, potassium, sulfur, sodium, chlorine, oxygen, and other trace elements.  The scalar energy instrument will rearrange the elements that compose the human body into the molecular structure of natural plant chemicals.  This process of transmutation is assured by way of a scalar energy instrument.  

Our food supply today is compromised and polluted.  The soil has been denatured and contaminated and does not yield nutrient-dense, natural foods.  The development of the human body corresponds to the quality of the soil that natural foods are grown in. 

A Truly Natural Therapy

Insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, and rodenticides are used extensively in farming and serve to pollute the soil as well as the crops.  Subsequently, the food grown in this contaminated environment serves to compromise the quality and content of the natural plant chemicals.  Even some types of food preparation services compromise the quality and content of natural plant chemicals.  Natural foods are typically degraded or denatured by over-cooking and processing.


In response to the environmental factors that compromise and pollute our food supply, the Scalar Light Natural Foods Therapy offers the perfect delivery system for natural plant chemicals required for optimal spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical health.  Scalar energy assures that the natural plant chemicals of herbs, fruits, grains, nuts, seeds, and vegetables will be delivered in their pristine, unaltered state to each cell inside the human body.  This will result in optimal nutrition for the human body.  The Scalar Light Natural Foods Therapy delivers natural plant chemicals into each cell of the human body in their pristine, natural state without chemical alteration, contamination, or degradation.    


Humans can not synthesize essential vitamins, essential amino acids, or phytochemicals as these nutrients are only available from natural foods.  However, plants are autotrophic and can easily synthesize organic molecules such as essential vitamins, essential amino acids, and phytochemicals.  Photosynthesis allows plants to synthesize these organic molecules and create most of their food.  Subsequently, the Scalar Light Natural Foods Therapy assures the perfect delivery of the essential vitamins, essential amino acids, and phytochemicals produced by photosynthesis.  In effect, scalar energy assembles the micro-nutrients produced by photosynthesis directly inside each cell of the human body.


Furthermore, humans can not synthesize minerals as these must be obtained by way of food intake.  Plants acquire minerals from the soil that travel up their roots by way of the vascular system into their fruits, stems, and leaves.  In turn, the Scalar Light Natural Foods Therapy will likewise serve to assemble the minerals found inside fruits, grains, herbs, nuts, seeds, and vegetables.  In practice, a magnified photograph of natural food will serve as the informational input for the human body to assemble the minerals found inside that natural food.

Scalar Light Serves as the Carrier Wave of Instructions to Assemble Natural Plant Chemicals Found in Loquat

Scalar Light Serves as the Carrier Wave of Instructions to Assemble Natural Plant Chemicals Found in Loquat
The Scalar Light Natural Foods Therapy is not dependent upon the bloodstream to deliver the vitamins, amino acids, phytochemicals, or minerals throughout the body.  On the contrary, the Scalar Light Natural Foods Therapy assembles the exact molecular structure of vitamins, amino acids, phytochemicals, or minerals found in natural plant chemicals directly inside each cell of the human body.  Thus, scalar energy serves as the carrier wave to deliver micro-nutrients to each cell of the human body thus offering the perfect delivery system for nutrition.  The Scalar Light Natural Foods Therapy is the perfect delivery system of natural plant chemicals for human health.
In my estimation, the Scalar Light Natural Foods Therapy offers exceptional nutritional support for people, animals, and plants.  Many life forms will benefit from the Scalar Light Natural Foods Therapy.  It is my fervent desire that the Scalar Light Natural Foods Therapy will serve to provide the nutritional needs for the world.  May God grant you excellent health.  Thank you.
Tom Paladino

Tom Paladino


Tom Paladino is a researcher and humanitarian seeking to make a difference in the world by providing people with the education and tools to restore optimal health, and by helping enhance their quality of life. Read More


All Scalar Light programs exclusively transmit scalar light upon the photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. Only the photographs of people, animals, plants and objects receive the scalar light transmission of energy. Scalar Light has NEVER been administered on an in-person basis. Furthermore, scalar light is an unrecognized energy dimension that has not been accepted by conventional science.

Scalar Light honors the medical community and encourages everyone to likewise respect and honor the advice of qualified medical and wellness professionals. Additionally, Scalar Light honors the scientific community and encourages everyone to likewise respect and honor the advice of qualified scientists and researchers.

The Scalar Light administration of scalar light upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects has not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration and / or any other Governmental derivatives thereof, known or unknown. Furthermore, the Scalar Light administration of scalar light upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects has not been evaluated by the medical community nor the scientific community.

All Scalar Light sessions act exclusively upon the photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. Hence, all subject matter on the web site, SCALARLIGHT.COM is a direct and exclusive reference to the influence and action of Scalar Light upon these photographs of people, animals, plants and objects.