Scalar light is the divine essence of God and accordingly possesses a sacred character. The Sun of our solar system and the infinite number of stars of the universe serve as the “storehouses” for scalar light. Scalar light is an infinite dimension, and the endless universe is necessary to accommodate this divine attribute of the Creator. Furthermore, scalar light is eternal light and thus does not experience entropy as this divine energy can not experience degradation or a diminution of its signal. Scalar light is not bound by time nor space as the light of God can not be subject to time nor space. Therefore, the scalar light universe is holographic and always exists in the present moment.

Every photograph of a person, animal, plant, or object possesses scalar light signatures of scalar light intelligence. Every photo of a person, animal, plant, or thing is the real-time, scalar representation of the actual state of being of that person, animal, plant, or object. Scalar light always reports the present moment in time as the scalar light dimension is always in the present moment: neither past nor future exists in the scalar light dimension. Therefore, a photograph always reports the present, scalar light condition of a person, animal, plant, or object. Scalar light transcends time, and thus the scalar light dimension possesses all moments in time as all time is consolidated into the present moment. The age of a photograph submitted for a scalar light session is irrelevant as the picture embodies the present, scalar light condition of a person, animal, plant, or object. In practice, the photographs of people or animals utilized for the scalar light sessions will only report the real-time scalar light condition of that person, animal, plant, or object.

Dr. Galen Hieronymus, a pioneer in scalar light research, detected and subsequently chronicle scalar light signatures embodied upon a photograph of a person, animal, plant, or object. I have a profound respect for Dr. Hieronymus’s research and concur that all things in the universe possess a unique scalar light signature that can be detected by a photograph of a person, animal, plant, or object. Scalar light is a new branch of physics that is distinct from electromagnetic physics. Succinctly, there are two (2) dimensions: scalar energy and electromagnetic energy.

 Electromagnetic energy verses scalar energy
Furthermore, a scalar light force field embodied upon a photograph can be influenced by a scalar light instrument. The following are examples of scalar light signatures of scalar light force fields represented upon pictures that can be affected by way of a scalar energy device:

1) The ability of a scalar energy device to assemble, influence, or transmute vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids, hormones, neurotransmitters, digestive enzymes, phytochemicals, and other micro-nutrients embodied upon the scalar light force field of a photograph of a person, animal, plant or object.

2) The ability of a scalar light instrument to disassemble, influence, or transmute the atomic bonds or molecular bonds of pathogens, toxins, chemicals, and other harmful substances embodied upon the scalar light force field of a photograph of a person, animal, plant or object.

3) The ability of a scalar light instrument to re-program, harmonize or influence the seven (7) meridians as well as the brain waves embodied upon the scalar light force field of a photograph of a person, animal, or plant.

The scalar light force field embodied upon a photograph of a person, animal, plant, or object is the mirror-like, real-time representation of that person, animal, plant, or entity in the scalar light dimension. That is, a scalar light instrument will identify the exact scalar light signature of a person, animal, plant, or object by way of a photograph. Hence, a picture captures or embodies the scalar light force fields or scalar light instructions of an actual person, animal, plant, or object.

In summation, scalar light is a new branch of physics. There are two (2) energies in the universe: scalar energy and electromagnetic energy. Scalar light is a divine light that embodies the characteristics of God the Creator. Thus, scalar light force fields are divine force fields. These scalar light force fields are incorporated into photographs of people, animals, plants, and objects. Therefore, pictures of people, animals, plants, and things possess a divine scalar light force field and can be detected and influenced by a scalar light instrument.  

May God grant you excellent health. Thank you.