Tom Paladino of Scalar Light Healing has spent five decades committed to understanding and utilizing the one form of energy that may solve many of the world’s (as yet) unsolvable issues. On this episode of YES, BRAND we talk scalar light and how to present it to the people!
Tom Paladino
Scalar Light Researcher
Scalar Light Healing
Brand Category
Quantum healing
Scalar light is able to provide quantum healing. In particular, a scalar light instrument is able to:
1) balance the chakras
2) disassemble pathogens
3) assemble nutrients
Years in Business
From Tom:
“My instruments provide a guaranteed, fast, harmless and painless treatment process that has successfully healed patients with quantum illnesses such as HIV viral disease, Ebola, herpes, hepatitis, Lyme disease, tuberculosis, malaria, etc. Over 400,000 pathogens are identified and subsequently disassembled by way of this unique scalar energy protocol. These scalar light instruments administer the scalar energy reverse-phase angle harmonic of a pathogen, thereby causing that agent of infection to disassemble or fall apart. Bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoan, can all be disassembled, representing a cure or prevention for thousands of diseases. Once the causative agent of a pathogen disease has been eliminated, the symptoms associated with that infection decrease or disappear altogether.