Quantum Health With Tom Paladino

Quantum Health With Tom Paladino

Quantum Health With Tom Paladino   Originally Published: Mission Accepted plus GenZ is us Welcome back scalar light researcher, Tom Paladino. Two more insidious and common viruses affecting people globally: Herpes and Epstein-Barr, are today’s focus. Amazingly,...
Quantum Health With Tom Paladino

How Scalar Light Can Work For You!

How Scalar Light Can Work For You!   Originally Published: The Mike Wagner Show Florida’s Tom Paladino returns and is on a personal mission to make a difference in the world by providing people with the education and tools to restore optimal health &...
Quantum Health With Tom Paladino

Scalar Light Wave Energy

Scalar Light Wave Energy   Originally Published: Elsie Kerns Elsie speaks with the scalar light wave energy expert, Tom Paladino who works remotely with people around the world using his scalar lightwave technology. Ongoing work with an HIV community in India has...
Quantum Health With Tom Paladino

Quantum Healing Using Scalar Energy Technology

Quantum Healing Using Scalar Energy Technology   Originally Published: enLIFEned In this episode Jen interviews Tom Paladino, researcher and founder of Scalar energy technology. This is a new and emerging science which is fascinating as it doesn’t use electricity...