Scalar Light Quantum Healing

  Marianne Pestana   Tom Paladino is a Holistic Medical Expert, Scalar Energy Researcher & Humanitarian. Tom theorized that all energy in the universe initiates as scalar energy; and that the sun of our solar system and the stars of the universe are the...

Holistic Medicine and Scalar Light

  TKJTV   In the latest episode of TKJ Podcast, Tom Paladino unveils the enigmatic world of scalar energy, often likened to Zero Point energy. We discuss the profound link between scalar energy and human well-being, uncover its harmony with holistic...

Scalar Energy Solves Problems

  The Soul Connection Duo Podcast   On today’s episode of the Soul Connection Duo Podcast, we learn all about scalar energy from Tom Paladino. Tom is a holistic medical expert, scalar energy researcher and humanitarian. Tom theorized that all energy in...