by scalarlight | Feb 20, 2023 | Media, Uncategorized
Intimate Conversations Podcast This conversation was a throwback to the days where I interviewed Nassim Haramein. Tom knew of cherished intimate conversation guests, Kimberly and Foster Gamble of Thrive II which explored free energy. Tom speaks of scalar...
by scalarlight | Feb 17, 2023 | Media, Uncategorized
The Mike Wagner Show
by scalarlight | Feb 16, 2023 | Media, Uncategorized
bUneke Radio UnScripted talks with Tom Paladino to discuss Scalar Energy Healing
by scalarlight | Feb 16, 2023 | Media, Uncategorized
bUneke Radio Tom Paladino is a Scalar Energy Researcher with over 25 years of experience developing healing techniques designed to help people all over the world to recover from pathogenic infection and experience true health and wellness.Tom has...
by scalarlight | Feb 9, 2023 | Media, Uncategorized
The Derek Loudermilk Show “Scalar energy is a double helix that unbinds to make electromagnetism. Electromagnetism is a derivative of scalar energy” – Tom Paladino Tom Paladino is a Scalar Physics researcher, Inventor, and healer. He has spend...
by scalarlight | Feb 7, 2023 | Media, Uncategorized
JJ Stenhouse Everything you need to know about Scalar Light, a form of quantum healing using image and information technology, with researcher and founder Tom Paladino